Elementary Handbook
School Hours
Office hours are 7:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. School hours are from 7:38 a.m. until 3:28 p.m. Children should NOT arrive earlier than 7:20 a.m. or remain later than 3:40 p.m., unless they are participating in a supervised activity. Supervision WILL NOT be provided for students who arrive before 7:20 a.m. or after 3:40 p.m. The above procedures are designed for the safety and well-being of your children.
Traffic Safety
Please help us prevent the risk of serious injury by carefully adhering to all rules of traffic safety.
When students are being dropped off DO NOT stop and park in the fire lane.
Please pull up as close to the main entrance as possible to drop your child(ren) off.
Children and adults must use designated crosswalks. Pedestrians have the right of way.
Peyton School Board believes regular attendance in school, accompanied by the responsibility to study and participate in school activities, is essential to the learning process. Please call to report absences. You may leave a message. Unreported absences are considered unexcused. Students who come to school late or are being picked up early must be signed in and out in the office. Four tardies are equal to one absence. Students who accumulate four tardies in a semester and ten absences in a year will receive a letter from the school district.
School Closings And Early Dismissal
When all-day closing is necessitated, the administration will, if possible, make the decision no later than 6:30 a.m. In the event of a delayed start, school will begin at 9:38 a.m. and buses will run the same routes two hours later. There will be no a.m. preschool. School closure/delay information can be found atThis Page which notifies our local radio and television stations. Parents are encouraged to monitor these resources in the case of severe weather as we may be forced to close or delay school.
Should it become necessary to dismiss school prior to the regular time, the administration will allow 45 minutes to one hour for notification of parents and media. If parents have special requirements concerning the dismissal of their children, these should be noted on the school emergency form provided at the beginning of school.
Parent-teacher Conferences
Teachers Will Schedule Conferences In The Fall And Spring Of Each Academic Year. Please Plan On Attending To Best Support Your Child’s Education.
School Lunch
Please check with the school office or district website for current lunch prices. Free and Reduced lunch prices are available to students who qualify. Application forms can be obtained in the school office. Meals may be purchased on a daily, weekly or monthly basis and must be paid in advance. Additional milk may be purchased as well. You may send your check or cash to school in a sealed, labeled envelope or make a payment on the Parent Portal in Infinite Campus. Please make checks payable to Peyton Elementary School.
Before students will be allowed to check books out from the elementary library, parents must complete and submit a Library Membership Application, which is kept on file. This form states that if library books are damaged or lost, parents will be responsible to pay for the replacement cost of those books. Students will go to the library once a week at their regular prescheduled time. If students have overdue books, they will not be allowed to check out. Letters will be sent to parents regarding overdue or damaged books. With teacher permission, individual students may utilize the library at any time during the week unless a class is in session.
Homework Policy
The board of education believes that homework helps students master concepts taught in the classroom, helps students in developing good study habits, and that it is intended to help students become self-directing , independent learners. Homework assignments should meet individual needs, be reasonable in length, and receive follow-up recognition and/or evaluation.
The Purpose of Homework:
To complete unfinished classroom assignments.
To accomplish independent work on research and action projects.
To help students develop and improve effective study habits.
To provide drill and practice in order to strengthen skills introduced in the classroom.
To enrich and extend the enjoyable aspects of learning.
As a general rule, students will be given two days for each day of excused absence, up to a total of two weeks to complete all work. A zero will be given for work not made up in that time period.
Peyton Elementary School Awards Descriptions
Grades 3-6
A/b Honor Roll – Any student who successfully earns A’s and B’s on the Academic section of his/her report card will receive an A/B Honor Roll certificate for the current quarter.
A Honor Roll – Any student who successfully earns A’s on the Academic section of his/her report
Attendance – Any student who has perfect attendance (All day, every day with no tardies) for the entire quarter will receive a Perfect Attendance award. A Perfect Attendance award for the entire year will be awarded at the last awards assembly for students who maintain perfect attendance for the year.
Grading System
A – 100-90
B – 89-80
C – 79-70
D – 69-60
F – 59- Below
(Refer to Board of Education Policy IKA)
Dress And Appearance
Any attire that is distracting, offensive, provocative or disruptive will not be tolerated on school grounds or in the classroom. Hats or other head coverings may not be worn in the building. Attire that references drugs, alcohol, weapons or other such items will not be allowed at any time.
Student Expectations
Be responsible for learning. This means:
Arrive at school on time.
Be prepared for class.
Demonstrate a serious attitude in daily work.
Homework is carefully and thoughtfully completed and on time.
Be a good citizen. This means:
Be attentive and respectful to others.
Settle differences in a peaceful manner.
Do not physically or verbally fight with others.
Use appropriate language at all times.
Do not bully, tease, or harass others.
In the hallways, face forward with voices off, feet quiet, and hands still.
Walk in a straight line, on the right hand side without touching walls.
No playing around or running in the building.
Electronic devices such as cell phones, iPods, DVD’s and/or hand-held game devices must be turned off and stored in student backpacks during school hours. The school will not be liable for damaged, lost or stolen items.
Our school is a drug-free zone. No drugs, alcohol or tobacco use by anyone on any Peyton School District property.
Do not bring weapons or toys that resemble weapons to school.
Principles For Discipline
We believe that students should be guided and expected to solve the problems they create without creating problems for anyone else.
We believe that we should make every attempt to maintain the dignity of both the student and the adult during a disciplinary situation.
We believe that students should see a reasonable connection between their actions and the consequences that follow.
We believe that students should be given opportunities to make decisions and live with the consequences, whether the decisions are good or not.
We believe that the adult’s emphasis should be placed on helping students learn to problem-solve and to adopt new behaviors, instead of making students “pay” for past misdeeds.
Discipline Process
All students will receive instruction and an opportunity to practice expected behaviors. These expected behaviors will be adhered to by ALL students and staff. Should a student have difficulty, reinforcement and consequences will be as follows:
Student Misbehavior:
Logical consequences, like, but not limited to: refocus/removal from situation/loss of recess/apology.
Referral to Principal
Parent Contact
Behavior Intervention Plan
Suspension or Expulsion
A child who is repeatedly disruptive in the classroom, on school trips, in school vehicles or at school activities, is at risk of suspension/expulsion. Students who have been willfully and defiantly disruptive three times must have a remedial discipline plan. This plan will be developed with input from the student, the parents, the classroom teacher, and the principal. The remediation plan will be a written document detailing the steps that will be taken to help this student turn his/her behavior around and the consequences for repeated disruption. According to Colorado House Bill 93-1093, “…..behavior which was initiated, willful and overt on the part of the child and which required the attention of school personnel to deal with the disruption” more than five times during the school year must be expelled. For suspension and expulsion of students to Peyton Elementary will follow District and State Policies.
Telephone Use
Office phones are exceptionally busy for the purpose of conducting school business. Student phone calls should be kept to a minimum. Students will be allowed to use the office phone for illness or emergency use only. Please help your child memorize your contact numbers. Students will need teacher permission to use any phone and will be limited to: nonacademic times of the day, i.e. , recesses, lunch, before school, etc. do not constitute an emergency. Students with cell phones should keep them turned off and put away throughout the day. Teachers may give their students permission to make contact with parent/guardians with their cell phone from the classroom in case of early dismissal or an emergency. PES will not be responsible for lost, stolen or damaged electronics of any kind. Electronics that create a distraction or disruption may be held in the Principal’s office for parent pick-up.
Campus Visitors
All visitors are required to sign in at the office and must wear a visitor’s badge at all times. Peer visitation must be coordinated with administration. Pets are not allowed inside the building without permission from the principal.
School Volunteers
We welcome volunteers. Please make prior arrangements with the teacher or volunteer coordinator before volunteering. On your first visit, check with the office to pick up a copy of our volunteer handbook.
“No Shots, No School.” All students entering school for the first time are required to provide a copy of their immunization record to the school, or a signed exemption (per Colorado State Law). Notices of non-compliant students will be sent home every fall. Update your child’s records immediately after getting their annual physical.
Health Requirements
In order to help prevent the spread of communicable diseases, please follow these guidelines:
Please do not send your child to school with:
Constant runny nose – especially if discharge is of abnormal color or consistency
Congestion (lung or nasal)
Coughing (consistent with a cold)
Recurrent sneezing (other than allergy-related)
Abnormal temperature (over 100 degrees)
Vomiting or has had an episode of diarrhea within the last 24 hours
A suspected or confirmed communicable disease
Sore throat longer than three days, especially if it is associated with swollen nodes or a rash. A child diagnosed with Strep Throat must stay home 24 hours after treatment has been started.
Red or inflamed, swollen or discharging eyes (non-allergy related)
Weeping sores or other lesions like impetigo, until under treatment
Rashes that are not allergy related and are not diagnosed
Please provide the office and your child’s teacher with numbers where you or someone else can be reached if your child becomes ill or is injured. It is critical someone be available to pick up your sick child to speed his/her recovery as well as ensure the health of those around him/her. Your cooperation in keeping sick children home will be greatly appreciated and help maintain the general health and wellness of everyone at school. If your child is out due to illness for more than three consecutive days, we will require a doctor’s note.
NO medications (prescribed or over-the-counter) will be given without written physician authorization and written parent/guardian request. Students needing occasional medications, such as antibiotics or medicine for colds, earaches and sore throats, are to take these medications at home if possible. Medication that is prescribed three times a day each day can be given before students come to school, after school, and before bed. If medication must be taken at school:
It must be provided in its original pharmacy-labeled container, properly labeled with the student’s name, doctor’s name, administration instructions and dosage. Forms for your use are located in the school office. The medication, authorization and request must be turned in to the office.
Parents are to hand -deliver the medication to the office. Please do NOT send medication with your child.
It is the student’s responsibility to come to the office for medication.
Please help your child to remember to come to the office for his/her medication.
Only basic first aid shall be administered in the school in case of injury. First aid is the immediate help given by the best-qualified person at hand in case of an accident or sudden illness. Please complete ALL emergency information the school requests of you. Every effort will be made to contact the parent/guardian. Please inform the school of any change of address, phone numbers, workplace, or any special instructions you may have regarding your student. If the school staff is unable to contact a parent/guardian, the student may be transported to the nearest medical facility as warranted by the situation,
Anti-bullying Policy
Mandating Stature: Senate Bill 01-080, Section 1: “The general assembly herby finds, determines and declares that bullying disrupt a school’s ability to educate students and threatens public safety by creating an atmosphere in which such behavior can escalate into violence. The general assembly therefore finds that a policy to create an environment free of bullying shall be part of each school district’s Safe School Plan.”
Safe School Plan: The Anti-Bullying Policy, which includes bullying prevention, education and behavior modification will become one part of the Peyton Elementary Safe School Plan, which also includes:
A conduct and discipline code
A written policy concerning searches on school grounds
A dress code for students and staff
Definition: “Bullying means any verbal or written expression or physical act or gesture, or a pattern that is intended to cause distress upon one or more students in the school, on the school grounds, in school vehicles, at a designated school bus stop, or at school activities or sanctioned events.” [CRS 22-32-109.1 (2) (a) (X). Bullying behavior includes, but is not limited to, harassment of a sexual nature, pushing and shoving, name calling, taking another’s belongings, belittling another, spreading rumors about another, or conspiring to socially isolate another.
Bullying Prevention And Education Program: Peyton Elementary School shall develop and maintain an ongoing anti-bullying prevention and education program, which provides age appropriate content in a curriculum designed to identify bullies and bullying behavior and appropriate responses by victims to such behaviors, whether the bullying is directed to ones’ self or to others. The program should offer educational opportunities for students, any adult in contact with students, i.e., teachers, administrators, all other staff, classroom volunteers, parents or guardians, and the community. These opportunities can include: classroom studies, library books, student written and performed plays, peer mediators, events sponsored by the student council, student monitors, personnel manuals, community newsletters and any other means possible.
Response To Incidents Of Bullying: School personnel shall respond to each incident of bullying observed or reported. The response should provide a reasonable balance between the pattern and the severity of the bullying behavior. The response should be integrated into and be in accordance with already established school behavior and disciplinary codes.
Bus Discipline Policy
In order to ensure that students riding Peyton School buses are provided with the safest possible environment, the following rules will be in effect on all bus routes and activity trips.
Be On Time. Keep the bus on schedule. (Students need to be at bus stop five minutes before stop time.)
Obey the driver’s instructions.
Be courteous! No profane language or gestures allowed.
Do not eat, drink or chew gum on the bus.
Work together to keep your bus clean and safe.
Cooperate with the driver.
No smoking or tobacco use.
Remain seated at all times.
Keep the noise level down.
Keep head, hands and feet inside the bus.
The bus driver is authorized to assign seats.
If you must cross the street, walk ten feet in front of the bus and wait for a signal from the bus driver before crossing.
Animals or hazardous objects are not allowed on the bus.
Note: The bus driver must report all students who disobey the rules.
Please remember that transportation by school bus is a privilege and not a right. No student will be allowed to make the trip unsafe and/or unpleasant for the driver or fellow students.
Unacceptable behavior, including but not limited to those described above are prohibited. The transportation department will make a determination of the consequence for the behavioral violation based on the severity of the infraction, discipline history of the student, and the circumstances surrounding the situation.
When a student ignores the rules for riding the school bus, the following procedures will apply:
Level 1 – Oral Warning
An oral warning of infraction will be given to the student by the bus driver. Bus driver will document the particulars of the incident in a logbook and a call will be made home to the parent.
Level 2 – Written Notice
In the case of a written notice of infraction, the Transportation Director will call home and copy of the notice sent to the parent and to the school.
Level 3 – Suspension of Transportation Privileges
A written notice of infraction will result in a three day suspension of transportation privileges and a copy of the notice sent to the parent and the school.
Level 4 – Suspension of Transportation Privileges
A written notice of infraction will result in a three week suspension of transportation privileges and a copy of the notice sent to the parent and to the school.
Level 5 – Suspension of Transportation Privileges
A written notice of infraction will result in a loss of transportation privileges for the remainder of the school year and a copy of the notice sent to the parent and to the school.
One or more of the levels may be skipped depending on the severity of the infraction. Each student will begin with a clear record at the beginning of each school year. Students will not normally be suspended from transportation privileges until the day following the infraction and parent notification.
It is policy of the Peyton School Board of Education not to discriminate on the basis of age, religion, national origin or handicap in its educational programs, activities or employment practices.